Visa Caravanistan - the Silk Road Travel Guide. For Central Asia we used this website. Very usefull, almost anything about visa, border crossing etc. General : Always check the latest rules and visa and conditions on local websites etc. Central Asia has an name and much can change in a minute. Border rules change every year! It is important to check the site of the Embassy of the country you are traveling to.
We have outsourced a number of visas and Letter of Invitations: Stantours Uzbekistan LOI, Russia LOI. Iran Silktroad LOI and Visa pickup for Iran. Free if you book accommodation by them..
Carnet de Passage CdP ADAC in Germany Only possible to apply for in Germany, nowhere else in Europe anymore, Be sure to use CdP only in required countries. Otherwise you make travel hard for people who dont have CdP (cause border-staff will think aah thats handy....:) CdP countries overview
China Sigh.....China is not possible to cross without formal paperwork and guide unless you have a lot of patiente, courage or perseverance. There are a few....check it out on the HUBB forum. If you dont have time or somehow the characterics of a real explorer, you do business with a company. We But there are more out there.
Shipping First : read the link on the HUBB : How to ship your bike. Usefull as hell. We shipped the bikes by air from Kuala Lumpur to Auckland with Malaysia Airlines. Very easy. Also very extentsive and thorough descibed by coolgreanyin this post on the HUBB : SHIPPING FROM KL TO NZ. Thank you for that!
Taurus Logistics We shipped the bikes by boat back from Auckland NZ to Rotterdam Port with them. Thing is; they handed the bikes over to another company halfway. So the first offer didnt count anymore. And also prices vary from port to port because you always pay port fee.
Vaccinations and health Check your local health service And Check World Health Organisation If you go to SE Asia (2017) check out the latest news on Malaria. For the Netherlands: go to the GGD.
TravelInsurance Delta Lloyd We had a travel insurance by them because it is the only one which wanted to insure us for one year. They really helped us out in a very bad situation. They flew us in to Ulaan Baator for an collapsed lung - treatment. I was so glad that I had this one. Not sure though if its for non-Netherlands citiizens as well.
Website name: The site's name is from the movie Starwars Episode V; The empire strikes back in 1980. The scene is that Yoda, Jedi Master and Luke Skywalker stand by the swamp while Luke's X wing disappears in the fog. Luke is scared and thinks he can not save the X-wing.
This is the quote: LUKE : All right, I'll give it a try. YODA: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try
We find this a beautiful gift; Do, go, undertake what the end result will be. Thanks to GeeJee who gave us the inspiration for the name of this site. YOUTUBE ;) Haha it is only a minor detail that Ewan McGregor did play one role in a Star Wars movie. I'd rather see him crying on the BMW out there in Africa, hero.
Other websites, mainly Dutch: * ADVriders forum. Gericht op de USA, maar ook een bron van informatie over motoren, onderdelen, reizen, ervaringen. * Het Motor-Forum. Uiteraard! Voor Nederland dè plek als je iets wilt delen, weten, op zoek bent naar..... * Landelijk coördinatiecentrum reizigersadvisering. reisadvies gezondheid * Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken; reisadviezen. Soms wat aan de behoudende kant maar altijd wel up to date en sinds de update met landkaarten en kleurcodes, indeling in categorieën (bijvoorbeeld natuurgeweld of veiligheid) behoorlijk uitgebreid.